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"Perhaps Hoven Droven is God?" 

- Jim Foley, KXCI 91.3 FM

 "Suddenly other folk rock bands seem over calculated and constructed."
- Reidar Sjödén, Lira 

 "This album has to win a Grammy!" 

- Åsa Jinder , legendary musician

"This is the best album of the new Swedish folkmusic wave!" 

- Camilla Boström, Sundsvalls Tidning 




"This is an incredibly strong work that stands on its own as one of the most inventive and powerful collections of music ever recorded." 

 - James Hymans,


"Massive, stomping, a joyous riot of primitive mosh n´melody rooted in a deep vein of folklore. Do I love it ? Is Terry Wogan Irish !? .... Whoa! Be still my spinning head ! ..Warning, this album eats confier trees and granite boulders. Sheer class." 

- Simon Jones, Folk Roots




"Wildly careening set that adds life to any party, even if the party is only in your headphones. Ear opening winner that never lets you down."
- Chris Spector, Midwest Record Recap


"Just because your arrangements feature accordion does not mean you cannot rock like the best of them!" 

- All Music Guide


"More Happy Moments" is an encredible album, as much for it´s sheer originality as it´s ability to make you wanna waltz and thrash andtwirl all at the same time!" 

- Andy Smentkowski, Ripsaw


"... What's not to like?"
- Imre Szeman,




"Quite quirky and original, these guys are saints!"

- Kenny B. Natural, 


"It is definitely their best album so far, and it is in fact as good that it might well make its way into FolkWorld's Top 10 2001. Magic modern folk music with a lot of spirit ... "Hippa" is an album that is extremely hip!  

- Michael Moll,

"Hoven Drovens finest hour." 

- Björn Bostrand, LT 

"This is an absolutely wonderful disc! VERY relaxing and beautiful! The subtle distortion on the electric guitar with the pure toned fiddle together sound MAGIC! This is full of gorgeous little ditties to put you in a state of perfect bliss! I really love the drummer's approach to the tunes. Quite quirky and original, these guys are saints!" 




 ”My expectations on Hoven Droven´s new album were high, but as usual they were brutally exceeded. Buy Turbo ! Listen to Turbo ! ” 

- Henrik Lundqvist,

 "My God-what an album! It´s massive, it´s scary, it´s gothic, it´s … bloody exhilarating and it´s certainly the best new music I´ve heard this year. The band look and play like men posessed, there are huge brooding, atmospherics throughout, the melodic beat and pummel, it´s the perfect soundtrack for Gormenghast. Yet for all that, ”Turbo” is an alluring menace that you just can´t resist and like some hopeless addict, I´ve had overloud waltzes and polskas ringing around my brain for days. Be in no doubt, this is a return to form after the slightly bare wire ”Hippa”; the tunes, all pumped, injected and muscled, are about cars, drinking, having a good time, hunting and erh … farmyard cats ? 

Not that it matters one ounce, Hoven Droven must, with this set, have catapulted themselves high into the upper stratosphere for those who favour their roots rocked and twisted. Don´t expect anything that won´t stop you in your tracks, this is true crossover mentality: Droven rock harder than the most and reel with a bone cracking passion, the violin and sax switching lead with a paranoid guitar. Any easier, slow moment flit by so speedily, all you recall at the end of the album is the mad, disturbed pace of it. A beautiful vivid drama that will leave you breathless." 

– Simon Jones, fRroots   


” This band posesses great vitality and joy, combined with humour and chrazy whims. All that energy is present on ”Turbo”, giving your´s truly one big joyful buzz!” 

- Micke Forsberg, Lira Magazine


” Easily accessible for a rock audience who likes to shake it, and doesn´t give a damn if it´s called ”Polska” or ”whatever” !” 

- Anders Tapola, Smålandsposten

 ” .. as usual this album grooves. These guys are wicked musicians !”
- Jonas Stentäpp, Dalademokraten


” They have never sounded more inspired!” 

- Stefan Herdell, Länstidningen




"The wildest, heaviest, rockingest recording of Swedish dance tunes youre ever likely to encounter ..this is no brainless bashing up of the rudiments of traditional music in an undifferentiated jiggety blur ... they combine great hard blowing rock skills with deep understanding ofthe forms they celebrate and amplify .. this was clearly a special gig, a triumph .. it´s a beautiful hugeness, with a occasional breath-catching moments .. A full listen through might produce uncontrollable symptoms of polska frenzy, so use with care in the living room or on public transport."

- Andrew Cronshaw, fRoots

".. They pe into the music with absolute glee, pulling no punches and taking no prisoners, although, for all their wildness, there's real discipline in their playing, and they can turn in some filigreed delicacy, .. Only when it's over do you realize that you've been wanting to cheer with the crowd and you're running with sweat. It's that live, and it's that good." 

- Chris Nickson, All Music Guide

".. I can only take a bow, and tip my hat, to this album. One that you can use as a soundtrack to your everyday life. It works for house cleaning and cooking, as well as intense listening. There´s not many of them. .. I am impressed."

- Stefan Herdell, Länstidningen

 "Five stars out of five!" 

-Andreas Jakobsson, Gefle Dagblad 

 "The band really cooks, and right from the first shuffling beats of "Bjekkergauken" I realized that I had unjustly sold Hoven Droven short. There is an absolute joy to their brand of folk-rock that it is well-nigh impossible not to respond to. Of course, the blistering guitar shredding (and fiddle shredding, if there is such a thing) spans both discs; but, Jumping At The Cedar reminded me of two important aspects of the band. First of all, Hoven Droven are, under all the dynamic veneer of their sound, remarkably reverential. They have a tremendous grasp of how to make a tune swing, and how to draw out its tension to maximum effect. The manic attack on their classic "Okynnesvals" rests my case, as does the buzzing rumble of the jam on "Slentbjenn." Hoven Droven are also insanely tight, and when they hit the funk, they really go for it, as on my beloved "Skvadern." Second, it would do a disservice to Hoven Droven to blanket them just as turn-it-up-to-11 folkies. "Arepolska" is beautifully rendered, and "Myhrpolska" has a spaciness to it that shows the band's sensitive touch really runs through all of their work. Jumping At The Cedar served to make a believer out of me again in Hoven Droven, and very jealous of the audience, who were clearly having a wonderful time!"
- Lee Blackstone, Rootsworld




"They continue to fine tune their blend of swedish folkmusic, raunchy psychedelia, moody balads and loud rock .. The playfulness, and the balls, makes this album a musical journey where the daredevil, the excentric and the unpredictable always lurks around the corner. Hoven Doven is an incredibly energetic band when you see them live, and this time they have managed to capture that energy on record. Brilliant."

Stefan Warnqvist - Uppsala Nya Tidning

-"They have become even more powerful .. Hoven deals with dynamics, variation and space within the songs, and manages to give everything the feeling of genuine swedish folkmusic and pulse. Even when they are rocking out like crazy!"

Alexander Agrell - Sydsvenskan (4/5)

"Sista dagen" is a small masterpiece ...Hoven Droven captures the mystique, the beauty, the wonder and the sexiness of Jämtland in 2011."

Stefan Herdell - LT

"With heavy distortion, full throttle from the get go, and an almost manic groove, this their seventh album is maybe their most wild and loose yet .. all done with humor and joy"

Mats Palmqvist - Lira

"This is a great album, great songs, brilliantly played and arranged .. impressive energy and refreshing humour. I dare to say that this is one of their best albums."
Peter Ahlbom - Spelmannen

-"Käft´n is one of the best tracks they have written in a long time! ... Hoven Droven is clearly back in top form!""

Tomas Larsson - ÖP

"It´s irresistible.. Closer to their live sound than on previous albums."

Jan-Erik Zandersson - Nya Upplagan

-"Hoven Droven definitely feels like 2011 on "Rost".
Lennart Lundberg -

-"Groovy? Absolutely. Rocking? Without a doubt .. And very beautiful in between, when harmonies and rythm grabs a hold of you .. A very varied album, despite it´s, in many aspects, homogeneous sound."

Anna Wallentin - Västerbottens Folkblad.

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